This is my first post so don’t expect much!

My Inspiration -

The inspiration I got for writing this blog was from an audio book “The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide” by John Sonmez. I’ve found it very interesting and I would recommend it if you are starting out in the world of programming and want some general guidance.

Current Focus -

This Blog!

The project I’m working on at the moment is setting up this site.

If you want to do something similar these are the steps I took:

  1. I bought the domain name. After shopping around a bit and I ended up using It cost me about 20 euro for two years you can choose between 1-10 years.

  2. I hosted the site using Github Pages. That link gives a guide of how to set it up and the best part it is free.

  3. I set up a custom domain for my page so it would use my sites domain name. I used the guide by github to make the changes to my github pages domain.

  4. I used this guide by namecheap to see what I would have to edit on their end to connect host to the domain provider.

  5. I’m working on setting changing up this website using Jekyll as it is only a static site. I’m following a tutorial on youtube by Mike Dane here.

I’m finding this little project of making a blog very enjoyable and if you try it out I’m sure you will too!

100 days of Code

I’ve also just taken up the 100 days of code challenge. Which is pretty much about making sure to do 1 hour of coding a day towards a project.

You then post on twitter and update your github to help you keep this habit.

If you want to do the same fork the github and get started on your 100 days of code.

My Exams

I’ve a few exams coming up very soon!

In my next exam I have the following topics to cover:

  • Linked Lists
    • Know how to create a Node for a new Linked List and construct a Linked List that uses this Node.
    • Know how to add and remove Nodes from a Linked List.
    • Know how to use Linked List methods : isEmpty, size, average, add, remove
  • Comparable Objects and Interfaces
    • Know how to implement a Comparable Object.
    • Know how to implement an Interface.
    • Know how to implement an Interface and use it on a Binary Tree.
  • Iteration and Recursion
    • Important to be able to implement both an iterative and recursive solution for a problem e.g. an iterative and recursive solution to find all prime numbers in an Array.

I’ll be posting about what I’ve done to cover those topics and some examples I hope will cover the topics.

Anyway I should probably get back to studying have a nice day good luck!